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What is a cryptocurrency investigation?

A cryptocurrency investigation uses advanced techniques to follow the trail of illicit funds. During a cryptocurrency investigation, a certified cryptocurrency investigator will carefully look through the transactions posted to the blockchain. From there, the cryptocurrency investigator will work to discover what address contains the stolen funds.

What is the certified cryptocurrency forensic investigator (CCFI) program?

The Certified Cryptocurrency Forensic Investigator (CCFI) program is the first and ONLY professional board certification program focused on cryptocurrency investigations throughout the entire world. What is Included? Bonus Items! If you are wanting to learn how to conduct cryptocurrency investigations, then this program is for you.

Why should you hire a cryptocurrency private investigator?

Why Hire a Cryptocurrency Private Investigator? There are many reasons individuals or companies may need to hire a cryptocurrency private investigator who is certified in the field and experienced using the same database platforms deployed by the U.S. Department of Justice.

What is asset tracing for cryptocurrencies?

Asset tracing for cryptocurrencies examines the full life cycle of a cryptocurrency account. Investigators may use software tools and traditional forensic methods to search, review and analyze the origination and transaction activity of digital wallets and cryptocurrencies across their history.

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